This year is going to be a milestone for Dana. It will be the year where she'll first start to go to school. I know, some of you may think that she's starting late considering some kids are in toddler school as early as 1 year old. Well, I wanted to enjoy my kids and want them to stay kids for as long as they can hahaha that's why it's only now that she's going to school. But hey, for someone who hasn't been to school, Dana knows a heck of a lot!! In fact, during her entrance exam, she scored the highest compared to those who already had formal education. Just because she's at home doesn't mean she doesn't learn. I guess she's just very bright and she takes instructions well. But I may have been a good teacher too hahahaha That's a testament to my mom!!!
So, we've been busy preparing for her first day of school. Buying school supplies has made me teary-eyed, believe it or not! There'll be an orientation on June 8 so we can't wait :) We're all excited ! :)
Dylan too has a his own firsts. Just last Saturday, he watched his first movie at the cinemas! It was Night at the Museum 2 and he loved it. he was so noisy inside the theater but only because he was reacting to the scenes. It was a good thing that the people around us were understanding hahahaha
But my gosh, theater tickets are way too expensive. Can you imagine one ticket costs P170?!!! I remember when tickets cost P40 and you can watch the movie over and over again. If you need to go out and buy something to eat, you can have the guard stamp your hand hhahahha and then you can come back hahahaha
The kids also had the first out of town trip when we went to Island Cove and Clark just this month. The details are in the other blog, as well as the pictures :) But one thing I can say, these kids know how to enjoy a good out of town trip :)
Can't wait for more firsts!! :)