March is always a festive month in our family because our two babies celebrate their birthdays in March. This time, it's even more special because Dana is graduating from Kindergarten and she's the Top 3 in her class.
Here are pictures of her with her medal and toga :)

It's rather funny because we never expected her to get any honors. We know she's always fourth in class but we never pressured her to be number one. For us, just let her learn at her own pace and let her enjoy the activities in school. We want her to look back at her first stab at school and remember it with excitement and enjoyment.
She made a lot of friends, she participated in a lot of school activities, improved well with her penmanship and math skills. There's so much that she did! Oh and don't forget the Educational Field Trip, the Christmas Presentation and the Family Day activities.

On the other hand, Dylan didn't have much to be happy about because about a week after his birthday, he slipped on the stairs and cracked his head open. It needed about 4 stitches to close. It was frightening to see so much blood but that's to be expected from a head wound. It was harder to watch him getting stitched up because you know he's in pain and you want to take away the pain but you can't. What's funny is, after getting all stitched up and he's done crying his lungs out, it was like nothing happened! He was smiling at the nurses and chatting with the doctor like there's no bandage on his head! hahahah It took about a week to heal, with much cleaning and re-dressing going on. Actually, he was in pain not from the stitches but from the hair getting stuck on the bandages LOL
To cap off March's festivities, we all went to Subic for some family bonding time.